Choose from a variety of in-depth courses spanning multiple weeks designed to build the necessary skill-set to efficiently analyze DNA test results.
Beginning Genetic Genealogy
Explore the biological concepts of genetics and inheritance patterns, and gain the necessary skills to analyze DNA results. (Four three-hour sessions)
Intermediate DNA Analysis
Build on the skills acquired from the Beginning Genetic Genealogy workshop. Learn about the concepts of X-chromosome inheritance, misattributed paternity, relationship predictions, and targeted testing plans. (Four three-hour sessions)
Genealogical Data Analysis Tool: Know it and Go
Part One of a Two-Part Series. Learn step by step how to install and import the many files needed to derive maximum benefits from the DNA analysis program Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool. (Three-hour session includes hands-on lab)
Genealogical Data Analysis Tool: Analysis & Chromosome Mapping
Part Two of a Two-Part Series. Explore the full functionality of Genealogical Data Analysis Tool. Learn to create a chromosome map using this software. (Three-hour session includes hands-on lab)