
Ruling Out Instead of Ruling In: DNA & the GPS in Action

Brought to you by BCG: The Genealogical Proof Standard and wisdom detailed in the book Genealogy Standards provides best practice guidance to avoid common mistakes in using DNA to solve genealogical problems. Not just for professionals, Genealogy Standards will help you achieve accurate results.


Techniques for Integrating Documentary and Genetic Information in a Research Report

This lecture provides practical examples of reporting on, analyzing, correlating and integrating information from documentary and genetic sources in a Research Report. The focus will be on meeting Standards detailed in Genealogy Standards, 2nd edition.


Weaving DNA Test Results into a Proof Argument

This lecture illustrates how to integrate each element of the Genealogical Proof Standard in a proof argument that relies heavily on autosomal DNA test results to answer a relationship research question. The examples are drawn from "Rafael Arriaga, A Mexican Father in Michigan: Autosomal DNA Helps Identify Paternity." National Genealogical Society Quarterly (June 2016).